How Do I Encourage My Child to Read?

Jacob GoodwilerResource, Tips

Encouraging Your Child to Read by Reading Yourself: Including Summer Reading List for Parents

Now that you have your child reading a book off of our recommended summer reading list it is your turn. Family participation plays an important role in increasing your child’s literacy experiences. Just look at the statistics below to understand the crucial part you play.

  • 43% of adults read at or below the “Basic” level. This accounts for roughly 93 million individuals (NAAL, 2003).
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    26% of children who were read to three or four times in the last week by a family member recognized all letters of the alphabet. (NEA, 2009)
  • Where parent involvement is low, the classroom mean average is 46 points below the national average. Where involvement is high, classrooms score 28 points above the national average—a gap of 74 points (NEA, 2009).
  • Less than half of families read to their kindergarten-age children on a daily basis (West et al., 2000).

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One of the best ways you can encourage your child to read more often during the summer months is to lead by example. Show your children what it looks like to truly enjoy a good book. If you need some good ideas on what to read here is a list of books relating to “The Arts”.

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How Should We Then Live 

Francis Schaeffer examines the decline of Western culture and analyzes the reasons for the current condition of our society. He presents his readers with alternatives and challenges them to live by Christian principles and believe the Word of God to be relevant in today’s world. 

State of the Arts: From Bezalel to Mapplethorpe

The arts surround us. They effect our lives and culture, from decoration, to music, to entertainment, to everyday plates and silverware. We must use the arts to glorify God and showcase His beauty. Gene Veith addresses this tension and challenges his readers to discern between good and bad art. 

Art for God’s Sake: A Call to Recover the Arts 

What is God’s plan for the arts? Philip Ryken asks this question in his book concerning the biblical perspective of the arts and the artists who create art for God’s sake. This book hopes to provide the Christian artist with calling and purpose. 

All God’s Children and Blue Suede Shoes 

What is popular culture? Where did it come from? Ken Myers sees popular culture as a problem to Americans and Christians, specifically. It inhibits us from asking questions about our roots, where we are headed and the significance of life. This type of culture allows society to believe they are in control. It breeds a sense of entitlement.